EVERYTHING IS BETTER WITH BUTTERWhatever you do and wherever you are located, it is important you ensure progress or that your actions or inactions will lead to growth else the idea you have taken time to nurture or build will go extinct.As a career person, if you do not have a vision of reaching a cadre in a specified time, you will live every day the way it comes. As an Entrepreneur, if you do not project your business growth with a sound benchmark then you will soon go out of business.The people that have traversed zero to success persevered through their circumstances but also measured growth consistently before they reached the place of their dream. Mark Zuckerberg declined sales of Facebook to Microsoft at the company's age while Evan Spiegel refused to sell SnapChat to Mark Zuckerberg because both Mark and Evan profiled growth. This book exposes how to profile growth and move from zero to great in any venture or mission you undertake.